
Implementation of AES in Voice over Internet Protocol

The paper is aimed to provide an implementation and evaluation of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system. The research in this paper also concentrates on evaluation of Quality of Service (QoS) parameters and the effect of implementing the AES to voice packets. Although, the security provided by encryption is of unique importance to voice signals, designs must take into concentration keeping the QoS parameters in acceptable values. The VoIP model used in this paper was H.323 model. And encryption was implemented between the End Point (EP) and GateKeeper (GK) and between GKs too. The two scenarios evaluated here were calls made between EPs lying on the same GK and on different GKs.
Three QoS parameters were evaluated in this paper; delay, jitter, and loss. These parameters are the most influential on the quality of the voice session.
The implementation carried out in this paper by using Asterisk software as the GK and JCPPhone as the EP. A software module was added to Asterisk and JCPPhone to implement AES.
This study has shown that the implementation of AES in the used call models has given good QoS parameters for long and short distance calls. This implies that the integration of AES in VoIP future applications is possible.

Keywords: AES, encryption, computer network, VoIP, IP-Telephony, H.323, and VoIP security.

Citation Information:

Siddeeq Y. Ameen, Fawzi Alnaima, Mohammed M. Alani, Implementation of AES in Voice over Internet Protocol, accepted for publishing in Gulf University Journal (ISSN:1985-9562).

Paper: Design of H.323 Secure IP-Telephony Framework

The paper is aimed to provide a secure IP-Telephony system based on H.323 set of protocols. H.323 is a standard that specifies the components and procedures that provide multimedia communication services—real-time audio, video, and data communications—over packet networks, including Internet protocol (IP)–based networks. H.323 is part of a family of ITU—T recommendations called H.32x that provides multimedia communication services over a variety of networks. From the security aspect, H.323 provides a scheme for authentication between the End Point (EP) and the GateKeeper (GK). However, the authentication between EPs lying on different GKs needs to be considered. Thus, the paper shows a proposed model and implementation with the evaluation of such authentication process. It also provides secrecy for certain users that require such a service. These have been provided by providing authentication for EPs laying on different GKs, as well as providing encryption for the voice data traveling between EPs laying on same GK or different GKs.

Keywords: Computer network, VoIP, IP-Telephony, H.323, and VoIP security.

Citation Information:

Siddeeq Y. Ameen, Fawzi Alnaima, and Mohammed M. Alani, Design of H.323 Secure IP-Telephony Framework, published in The 6th International Philadelphia Engineering Conference On Computational Aspects and Their Applications in Electrical Engineering, Philadelphia University, Amman, Jordan, September, 2006.